SUBANG 25 Dec.- Masjid Al-Falah USJ9 was filled with students and lecturers from the Department of Architecture, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), IIUM to pay their last respect to Allahyarham Dr. Ahmad Shukri Yusof.
Students and lecturers arrived as early as 10am and gathered at the prayer hall to recite prayers, Yaasin and Tahlil for Allahyarham. People keep coming up to 12pm and the mosque was filled with Architecture students from each batch and also seniors who had graduated.
At around 12pm, the body of Allahyarham arrived at the mosque after being released by Selayang Hospital accompanied by Allahyarham’s wife, sons and family who arrived from Kedah the night before.
Prayers were then held before the burial took place at Muslim Cemetery USJ20.
Allahyarham Dr. Shukri had died in a tragedy that took place at the Heritage Lab, Level 3, KAED while he was trying to transfer a heritage building model to the Adabi Studio, Level 2, KAED (beside Postgraduate Computer Lab). Part of the glass that encased the model had cut his thigh deeply and he suffered major blood lost.
Nobody knew how it happened exactly as he was alone in the room during that time. The room was quite secluded and at that time there were no passer-bys. Almost unconscious on the ground, he managed to drag his bleeding self outside the room to ask for help. Luckily a third year Applied Arts and Design student spot him and tried to stopped more blood from coming out from the wound but failed.
After realizing what was happening, more students came to the scene. Fearing that it would take longer for the nearest hospital to send an ambulance, the IIUM ambulance was called. However, it took more than 20 minutes for it to get to KAED and unfortunately there was only the driver without any paramedic team or equipment to help save Allahyarham. He died on his way to the hospital. Post-mortem was done at Selayang Hospital. After 10pm his wife, sons and immediate family arrived from Kedah.
A female fifth year Architecture student said that Allahyarham had met them at their studio to ask for assistance from the male students. However, there were no male students around to help move the building models so he went on his own accompanied by a technician. The technician was believed to have gone down to the office when the incident happened.
Allahyarham Dr. Shukri had contributed a lot to KAED and had taught all Architecture batches. He was a wise and kind-hearted lecturer who had touched us all in his own way. His death is a great loss to us, the future architecture generation.
Al-Fatihah and may his soul be among The Believers.
Condolences to his family. He left a wife and two sons, aged 1 year and a half and 4 months old.
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1 comment:
from Him we come, and unto Him we return.
May Allah bless his soul.
Sungguh menyedarkan yang mati boleh datang bile2 je..-__-
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