29 June 2009
22 June 2009
Another-Selamat pengantin baru.
Untuk rakan2 yg tak hadir pada majlis kesyukuran shak,ini dia gambar sekitar majlis tersebut.Utk pengetahuan,gmbr perkahwinan ini tidak rasmi.Mungkin boleh dapatkan gambar2 perkahwinan yang lebih baik dari jurufoto rasmi shakirah later dan ulasan terperinci drpd kwn2 lain yg hadir.
Di dalam dewan.
Antara teman2 yang hadir
Teman2 dari kuliyyah farmasi turut sama memeriahkan majlis
Diadakan di dewan hikmah,kuching,sarawak.
bergambar bersama teman2 dari UIA.
Agak serius disitu.
Sesi bergambar
Bersama sahabat baik.Syabad~

Maaf sesi bergambar dgn bro tidak sempat sy ambil.
Selamat pengantin baru buat shakirah dan rakan2 sekelas yg baru sahaja melangsungkan perkahwinan,zubir n isteri serta ,arifin n isteri.Semoga kalian berbahagia di dunia dan akhirat dan kekal selamanya hingga ke syurga.. :-)
17 June 2009
salam semua...huhuhu...sesungguhnya aku lah admin blog ni yg sgt2 tak bertanggungjwb.. lame giler aku tak update info kat blog nih.. haahaha..ape punya exco pub-info daa... soory semua...aku bz sket.. walaupun kenduri kedua belah pihak dah lama selesai, keje tak gerak jugak... ngeehhh~~
pape pun, aku nak ambil kesempatan nih nak ucapkan berjuta terima kasih atas kunjungan korang semua ke kenduri aku.. tak kirek laa kat a.staq atau pun kat ampang.. kehadiran korang byk maknanya kat kami berdua..
yg tak dapat hadir pun takpe...doa korang dari jauh pun sgt2 berharga...dan maaflah andai sepanjang kenduri tu ade kekurangan pape.. dan kpd pemberi2 hadiah, huhuhu...daku terharu...yg paling terharu, ade yg bagi pakaian baby yg sgt2 kiut.. huhuh.. ade jugak yg bagi baby buggy brand Anakku yg sgt comel..tp tu kawan tiqah la.. emm...tq again atas pemberian ikhlas kalian... tapi...
post kali ni bkn lah nak bercerita tentang itu.. nih, sementelahan ( betol ke penggunaan word nih???) kita nak masuk clinical years ni, nak invite korang melawat blog year 3 la..
i mean, yg bakal masuk year 4.. byk info dlm tuh yg korang akan dapat... yg terbaru, dyorang ade upload MCQ posting2 dyorang... dan beberapa info lain yg mungkin kita terlepas pandang seperti kondisi terbaru Prof Wahab......dan juga Dr. YeTun kesayangan kita, yg akan undergo pelvic surgery tak lama lg...sama2 lah kita panjatkan doa memohon yg terbaik dari Allah buat pendidik kita tu... ni link blog depa bg sape yg tak tau http://mbbs0611.blogspot.com/
dan seterusnya, alhamdulillah semua dari kita pass utk teruskan perjuangan kita di alam Clinical, menyambung kecemerlangan batch sebelum kita...TP....jgn lah kita lupakan junior kita batch yg ke 12 dan juga batch yg ke 13 yg bakal masuk... aku tak tau la mcm mane batch yg ke 13 nnti... tp pape pun, tanggung jwb kita sebagai abg n kakak, untuk teruskan tradisi kita membantu mereka..terutamanya adik kita yg batch ke 12 nih.. walaupun mgkin ade antara kita yg terasa hati dgn mereka, tp jgnlah kita berdendam... air yg di cincang takkan putus.. kita kan adik beradik lain mak pak.. aku dgr ramai gak di kalangan mereka yg terkandas n terpaksa repeat year.. hmm...aku harap,kita dapat bantu dyorang ape yg termampu... yes..aku tau kita mungkin akan sibuk...tp kalau batch abg2 kita boleh bantu kita, why not kita tak blh bantu adik kita...kan kan??
so, cuti pun tggal 2 3 minggu je lagi..bangun2!!
pejam celik dah start new year.. so pasang la azam baru...buat diri aku jugak... udah2 la kita berhoneymoon yek.. huhuhu...
dari tinta seorang sahabat:
pape pun, aku nak ambil kesempatan nih nak ucapkan berjuta terima kasih atas kunjungan korang semua ke kenduri aku.. tak kirek laa kat a.staq atau pun kat ampang.. kehadiran korang byk maknanya kat kami berdua..
post kali ni bkn lah nak bercerita tentang itu.. nih, sementelahan ( betol ke penggunaan word nih???) kita nak masuk clinical years ni, nak invite korang melawat blog year 3 la..
dan seterusnya, alhamdulillah semua dari kita pass utk teruskan perjuangan kita di alam Clinical, menyambung kecemerlangan batch sebelum kita...TP....jgn lah kita lupakan junior kita batch yg ke 12 dan juga batch yg ke 13 yg bakal masuk... aku tak tau la mcm mane batch yg ke 13 nnti... tp pape pun, tanggung jwb kita sebagai abg n kakak, untuk teruskan tradisi kita membantu mereka..terutamanya adik kita yg batch ke 12 nih.. walaupun mgkin ade antara kita yg terasa hati dgn mereka, tp jgnlah kita berdendam... air yg di cincang takkan putus.. kita kan adik beradik lain mak pak.. aku dgr ramai gak di kalangan mereka yg terkandas n terpaksa repeat year.. hmm...aku harap,kita dapat bantu dyorang ape yg termampu... yes..aku tau kita mungkin akan sibuk...tp kalau batch abg2 kita boleh bantu kita, why not kita tak blh bantu adik kita...kan kan??
so, cuti pun tggal 2 3 minggu je lagi..bangun2!!
dari tinta seorang sahabat:
14 June 2009

بَارَكَ اللهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بينكما فِيْ خَيْرٍ
“Semoga Allah memberi berkah kepadamu dan atasmu serta mengumpulkan kamu berdua (pengantin laki-laki dan perempuan) dalam kebaikan.”HR. Penyusun-penyusun kitab Sunan, kecuali An-Nasai dan lihat Shahih At- Tirmidzi 1/316.

11 June 2009
East Coast Trip
It was quite difficult to find the most suitable word to depict our trip to Bachok, Machang, climax event which was Zubir’s reception, Kuala Terengganu and finally heading back to KL. All of us felt that this was the best, funniest, challenging trip ever.
The guys’ trip began from Kajang in which we started our journey, 2 cars convoyed, mine and Mr perfect guy Taqi’s heading to our first destination, Omar’s in Machang.
Only six of us in the beginning; Baby, Parang, Mr. well built young man Taqi the perfect guy, Epul, Afif and I.
In Machang, Omar and our newly orang Machang - Wan joined us to makwe’s in Bachok. Omar and Wan soon will be related since Omar’s sister and Wan’s cousin are getting married. We then picked Rahim up at Pasir Mas.
We spent a night in Makwe’s. We had the opportunity to play our routine futsal in Bachok, past 12 am, barefooted. Cikut joined us in Bachok, he was at Tanah Merah, being a chauffeur for the wedding of his foster sister. I should highlight here that 5 of us - Wan, Makwe, Baby, Epul and I,
easily outshot and outplayed the other team – Omar, Cikut, Parang, Afif and Rahim. Yeah! Hehe.
The next day we spent an hour in Pantai Cahaya Irama before heading to Rantau Panjang, buying jerseys and well, some were buying tudungs for their loved ones. Majin, Sede, Safwan and Yusuf joined us as well. We convoyed 5 cars to Rantau Panjang and then heading back to Omar’s in Machang, overnight there.
The next day, gadis-gadis from our batch – Adila the everywhere you-can-see-girl, ‘Aliah, Fatin R, Aini, Fafa, Aqilah, Adliza, Ada, joined us in the morning at waterfall in Bukit Bakar. Oh ya, we met them at Adliza’s house. And the funny thing here was that Safwan, wearing only towel and shirt without any sense of guy’s shyness, at least we think, stepped out of the car, in front of all the girls and Adliza’s parents, ran into the house to use the toilet. You’re the man!
At Bukit Bakar’s waterfall, here was where the first unwanted incident occurred
1. WAN was diving into the water, and then his head collided with Rahim’s face. Rahim got a deep big mouth ulcer, which make it quite difficult for him to enjoy free foods all the way. He was bleeding but not that he was going to develop hypovolumic shock. Later you’ll know why I highlighted WAN’s name.

(Rahim tgh kat dalam air time WAN terjun)

(dalam gak r ulcer ni)
After Zuhur, the girls came over to Omar’s. We departed half an hour late because…. Well here was where the second unwanted incident took place
2. Makwe accidentally drove his car into the drain in front of Omar’s house while saying goodbye to Kak Long and Wawa, Omar’s nieces. WAN, ‘Aliah and Fatin R were in the car. I bet there must be a bit of embarrassment felt by Makwe.. hehehe. WAN was in the car. We felt there must be something wrong with the presence of WAN. hehehe

(Kak Long and Wawa, sebab bye-bye budak ni la makwe accident, isk isk)

(gadis berkumpul kat rumah Omar)
After nearly an hour journey, the 5 cars-convoy reached Besut. We gathered at Majin’s house, meeting long time no see friends from Kuala Terengganu and a few from KL and Kedah.

(kat rumah Majin)
Then we headed to Zubir’s house, lead by Majin and Faidhi. There were about 20-30 of us. Here’s the third unwanted incident
3. Pojang’s new Nissan Latio Sport car, the car was just 2-week-old, hit another car while trying to keeping up with the car leading to Zubir’s house. There were about 10 cars convoying from Majin’s house to Zubir’s wedding, but then we were scattered because we couldn’t keep up with the leading car. We then stopped at nearby mosque to gather once again. Oh ya, again, WAN was in the car. He said he wanted to go with Pojang so he shifted from Makwe’s car to Pojang’s. You see now why I highlighted WAN’s name.

(Nissan Latio yg baru je 2 minggu dapat)
When all the cars gathered at the mosque, while getting ready to go to Zubir’s, here was the fourth unwanted incident
4. Majin’s car broke down. The only thing we wondered was that, WAN was not here, how could it happen? Haha. Alhamdulillah, somehow the car’s engine can be ignited and finally we were on our way to Zubir’s. But we got lost few times, because Majin didn’t quite remember the route.
Yusuf the old man, the co-pilot was in Majin's car. Those who were in my ride felt sorry we have a poor co-pilot. Hehehe

(Effort gile tolak kereta Majin)
Finally we reached Zubir’s house at 4. Alhamdulillah.

(Pojang memikirkan nasib malang dan kat sebelah, WAN)
However, the drama didn’t end yet. 2 cars convoyed to Kuala Terengganu, Pojang’s house to spend a night. Here was the fifth unwanted incident
5. While in Pojang’s house, we were surprised by Mr perfect well built young man Taqi’s loss of his MacBook. Oh ya, again, WAN was in the car. He was blaming somebody, he claimed that someone broke into his car while we were having fun in waterfall in Besut, after Zubir’s reception, because the car wasn’t locked. To our surprise, he was shedding TEARS, thinking of all the hard works he had done to buy the Macbook go down the drain. But the Macbook was gone for only for 10 minutes. Omar called and told him that he left his laptop in Omar’s house.
Finally he smiled again. Hehehe. We spent half an hour laughing at him outside the house.
The next day, before heading back to KL, we stopped at Qistina’s house, having lunch.

(Aku nak amik gambar dgn qis je, lain nyebok r)
Rahim’s future brother-in-law was asking his help to drive his car to Kuantan. So we convoyed three cars to head back to Kuantan first. Here was the sixth unwanted incident.
6. While on the road, at the speed of 80-90 kph, Rahim bumped into a goat crossing the road. The goat was still alive but we reckoned it must have been having Brown Sequerd syndrome because it couldn’t move both his lower limbs. WAN again, wasn’t in Rahim’s car, but he was nearby. Hehehe. Too bad we didn’t take picture of the goat. The bumper was damaged a bit but still repairable.

(hehehe kambing punya pasal)
Despite all the unwanted incidents, we were having loads of fun. On behalf of all the guys traveling from KL, we would like to thank those living in Kelantan and Terengganu for being very hospitable and generous. Seriously, we didn’t even spend a cent on food. Foods were provided all the way along our trip. Special thanks to Makwe, Omar, Majin, Sede and Qistina for inviting us to their houses. There were lots more inviting us to their houses but we couldn’t make it because of time constraint. Thanks again. Selamat Pengantin Baru to Zubir and his wife.
The guys’ trip began from Kajang in which we started our journey, 2 cars convoyed, mine and Mr perfect guy Taqi’s heading to our first destination, Omar’s in Machang.
Only six of us in the beginning; Baby, Parang, Mr. well built young man Taqi the perfect guy, Epul, Afif and I.
In Machang, Omar and our newly orang Machang - Wan joined us to makwe’s in Bachok. Omar and Wan soon will be related since Omar’s sister and Wan’s cousin are getting married. We then picked Rahim up at Pasir Mas.
We spent a night in Makwe’s. We had the opportunity to play our routine futsal in Bachok, past 12 am, barefooted. Cikut joined us in Bachok, he was at Tanah Merah, being a chauffeur for the wedding of his foster sister. I should highlight here that 5 of us - Wan, Makwe, Baby, Epul and I,
easily outshot and outplayed the other team – Omar, Cikut, Parang, Afif and Rahim. Yeah! Hehe.
The next day we spent an hour in Pantai Cahaya Irama before heading to Rantau Panjang, buying jerseys and well, some were buying tudungs for their loved ones. Majin, Sede, Safwan and Yusuf joined us as well. We convoyed 5 cars to Rantau Panjang and then heading back to Omar’s in Machang, overnight there.
The next day, gadis-gadis from our batch – Adila the everywhere you-can-see-girl, ‘Aliah, Fatin R, Aini, Fafa, Aqilah, Adliza, Ada, joined us in the morning at waterfall in Bukit Bakar. Oh ya, we met them at Adliza’s house. And the funny thing here was that Safwan, wearing only towel and shirt without any sense of guy’s shyness, at least we think, stepped out of the car, in front of all the girls and Adliza’s parents, ran into the house to use the toilet. You’re the man!
At Bukit Bakar’s waterfall, here was where the first unwanted incident occurred
1. WAN was diving into the water, and then his head collided with Rahim’s face. Rahim got a deep big mouth ulcer, which make it quite difficult for him to enjoy free foods all the way. He was bleeding but not that he was going to develop hypovolumic shock. Later you’ll know why I highlighted WAN’s name.
(Rahim tgh kat dalam air time WAN terjun)
(dalam gak r ulcer ni)
After Zuhur, the girls came over to Omar’s. We departed half an hour late because…. Well here was where the second unwanted incident took place
2. Makwe accidentally drove his car into the drain in front of Omar’s house while saying goodbye to Kak Long and Wawa, Omar’s nieces. WAN, ‘Aliah and Fatin R were in the car. I bet there must be a bit of embarrassment felt by Makwe.. hehehe. WAN was in the car. We felt there must be something wrong with the presence of WAN. hehehe
(Kak Long and Wawa, sebab bye-bye budak ni la makwe accident, isk isk)
(gadis berkumpul kat rumah Omar)
After nearly an hour journey, the 5 cars-convoy reached Besut. We gathered at Majin’s house, meeting long time no see friends from Kuala Terengganu and a few from KL and Kedah.
(kat rumah Majin)
Then we headed to Zubir’s house, lead by Majin and Faidhi. There were about 20-30 of us. Here’s the third unwanted incident
3. Pojang’s new Nissan Latio Sport car, the car was just 2-week-old, hit another car while trying to keeping up with the car leading to Zubir’s house. There were about 10 cars convoying from Majin’s house to Zubir’s wedding, but then we were scattered because we couldn’t keep up with the leading car. We then stopped at nearby mosque to gather once again. Oh ya, again, WAN was in the car. He said he wanted to go with Pojang so he shifted from Makwe’s car to Pojang’s. You see now why I highlighted WAN’s name.
(Nissan Latio yg baru je 2 minggu dapat)
When all the cars gathered at the mosque, while getting ready to go to Zubir’s, here was the fourth unwanted incident
4. Majin’s car broke down. The only thing we wondered was that, WAN was not here, how could it happen? Haha. Alhamdulillah, somehow the car’s engine can be ignited and finally we were on our way to Zubir’s. But we got lost few times, because Majin didn’t quite remember the route.
Yusuf the old man, the co-pilot was in Majin's car. Those who were in my ride felt sorry we have a poor co-pilot. Hehehe
(Effort gile tolak kereta Majin)
Finally we reached Zubir’s house at 4. Alhamdulillah.
(Pojang memikirkan nasib malang dan kat sebelah, WAN)
However, the drama didn’t end yet. 2 cars convoyed to Kuala Terengganu, Pojang’s house to spend a night. Here was the fifth unwanted incident
5. While in Pojang’s house, we were surprised by Mr perfect well built young man Taqi’s loss of his MacBook. Oh ya, again, WAN was in the car. He was blaming somebody, he claimed that someone broke into his car while we were having fun in waterfall in Besut, after Zubir’s reception, because the car wasn’t locked. To our surprise, he was shedding TEARS, thinking of all the hard works he had done to buy the Macbook go down the drain. But the Macbook was gone for only for 10 minutes. Omar called and told him that he left his laptop in Omar’s house.
Finally he smiled again. Hehehe. We spent half an hour laughing at him outside the house.
The next day, before heading back to KL, we stopped at Qistina’s house, having lunch.
(Aku nak amik gambar dgn qis je, lain nyebok r)
Rahim’s future brother-in-law was asking his help to drive his car to Kuantan. So we convoyed three cars to head back to Kuantan first. Here was the sixth unwanted incident.
6. While on the road, at the speed of 80-90 kph, Rahim bumped into a goat crossing the road. The goat was still alive but we reckoned it must have been having Brown Sequerd syndrome because it couldn’t move both his lower limbs. WAN again, wasn’t in Rahim’s car, but he was nearby. Hehehe. Too bad we didn’t take picture of the goat. The bumper was damaged a bit but still repairable.
(hehehe kambing punya pasal)
Despite all the unwanted incidents, we were having loads of fun. On behalf of all the guys traveling from KL, we would like to thank those living in Kelantan and Terengganu for being very hospitable and generous. Seriously, we didn’t even spend a cent on food. Foods were provided all the way along our trip. Special thanks to Makwe, Omar, Majin, Sede and Qistina for inviting us to their houses. There were lots more inviting us to their houses but we couldn’t make it because of time constraint. Thanks again. Selamat Pengantin Baru to Zubir and his wife.
02 June 2009
Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin (KT) Stadium Collapsed
"Dan jika Kami hendak membinasakan suatu negeri, maka Kami perintahkan kepada kaum muthraf di negeri itu (supaya menta’ati Allah) tetapi mereka melakukan kedurhakaan dalam negeri itu, maka sudah sepantasnya berlaku terhadapnya perkataan (ketentuan Kami), kemudian Kami hancurkan negeri itu sehancur-hancurnya." (Al-Israa` [17]:16)

Kuala Terengganu dikejutkan dengan berita keruntuhan Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin pagi ini. Kejadian berlaku lebih kurang pukul 9.30 pagi tadi. Mula-mula ingatkan bunyi kapal terbang. Stadium tu lebih kurang 2km dari rumah daku. Memang sungguh bersyukur. ALLAH masih mahu berikanku peluang untuk hidup. Sebabnya memang dah nak pergi main bowling dengan family kat stadium tu pagi tadi. Dah lama adik-adik ajak pergi. Pulak tu scholar baru masuk :-). Ingatkan nakla blanja adik-adik. Ditakdirkan Allah walletku hilang. Duduk cari-cari tak jumpa juga. Kalau tak memang dah sampai stadium pukul 9.00 pagi tadi. Tiba-tiba ada bunyi kuat. Pastu bunyi siren polis, bomba dan seangkatan dengannya tak henti-henti. Ingatkan apa. Rupa-rupanya stadium yang paling modern dan canggih di pantai timur yang menjadi kebanggaan rakyat jelata tu RUNTUH teruk. About 60%-70% damaged: yang sebelumnya sangat GAH seakan kukuh mencengkam bumi.
Benarlah firman Allah dalam surah al-isra':
"Dan jika Kami hendak membinasakan suatu negeri, maka Kami perintahkan kepada kaum muthraf di negeri itu (supaya menta’ati Allah) tetapi mereka melakukan kedurhakaan dalam negeri itu, maka sudah sepantasnya berlaku terhadapnya perkataan (ketentuan Kami), kemudian Kami hancurkan negeri itu sehancur-hancurnya." (Al-Israa` [17]:16)
Puncanya? Ada rumors mengatakan makhluk yang di bawah inilah puncanya..
Tak adalah itu cuma dongengan sahaja. Ketika polis interview seorang pekerja binaan yang mana kereta beliau menjadi mangsa runtuhan, beliau mengatakan ada lebih kurang 15 batang tiang bumbung yang patah tidak sempat dibaiki. WALLAHu A'lam sejauh mana kebenarannya. Punca sebenar masih lagi dalam siasatan. Huhu, siasatlah sesiasatnya. Kita tengok jela apa yang akan berlaku nanti. Walaubagaimanapun, bersyukur juga dalam musibah yang menimpa, tiada kemalangan jiwa yang dilaporkan setakat ini. Esok pagi adalah perasmian Sukan Universiti yang dijadualkan bertempat di Stadium yang sama. Bayangkan kalau esok runtuh. Lagi la susah. Allah Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyanyang kepada hambanya.
WALLAHu A'lam.
(credits to Ustaz Azhar Idrus @ www.digitalmukmin.com)

Kuala Terengganu dikejutkan dengan berita keruntuhan Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin pagi ini. Kejadian berlaku lebih kurang pukul 9.30 pagi tadi. Mula-mula ingatkan bunyi kapal terbang. Stadium tu lebih kurang 2km dari rumah daku. Memang sungguh bersyukur. ALLAH masih mahu berikanku peluang untuk hidup. Sebabnya memang dah nak pergi main bowling dengan family kat stadium tu pagi tadi. Dah lama adik-adik ajak pergi. Pulak tu scholar baru masuk :-). Ingatkan nakla blanja adik-adik. Ditakdirkan Allah walletku hilang. Duduk cari-cari tak jumpa juga. Kalau tak memang dah sampai stadium pukul 9.00 pagi tadi. Tiba-tiba ada bunyi kuat. Pastu bunyi siren polis, bomba dan seangkatan dengannya tak henti-henti. Ingatkan apa. Rupa-rupanya stadium yang paling modern dan canggih di pantai timur yang menjadi kebanggaan rakyat jelata tu RUNTUH teruk. About 60%-70% damaged: yang sebelumnya sangat GAH seakan kukuh mencengkam bumi.
Benarlah firman Allah dalam surah al-isra':
"Dan jika Kami hendak membinasakan suatu negeri, maka Kami perintahkan kepada kaum muthraf di negeri itu (supaya menta’ati Allah) tetapi mereka melakukan kedurhakaan dalam negeri itu, maka sudah sepantasnya berlaku terhadapnya perkataan (ketentuan Kami), kemudian Kami hancurkan negeri itu sehancur-hancurnya." (Al-Israa` [17]:16)
Puncanya? Ada rumors mengatakan makhluk yang di bawah inilah puncanya..

WALLAHu A'lam.
(credits to Ustaz Azhar Idrus @ www.digitalmukmin.com)
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